Everyone could use a good laugh...
... and this is the best laugh I've had all day! I give you -- FURBY IN A MICROWAVE!
Whatever is going through snazzzybird's mind at the moment.
... and this is the best laugh I've had all day! I give you -- FURBY IN A MICROWAVE!
Well, I'm starting to get excited about the holidays. I'm on vacation next week -- we get next Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving, and I always take the other three days as vacation. I'll probably do a little Christmas shopping; I've already got a few things, so I'll pick up a few more. When I go back to work Christmas will be less than a month away, and I can start wearing my Christmas sweaters! Hee! I'm kind of tongue-in-cheek about wearing them, but all in all it's just another one of my many annual traditions.
Last night Young'un, his best friend, and I went to see comic Jim Gaffigan perform at Illinois State University. That's about an hour's drive from here, and Young'un drove us there and back in the Grand Prix. He did fantastic! Interstate driving, at night, some of it even on I-55 -- and he handled it like a pro. Of course, it helped that we'd driven the route last Sunday afternoon! I hadn't been to ISU in so many years I'd forgotten exactly how to get there, so we got the route from Mapquest and ran it in daylight. That way, when he was actually driving it at night in traffic, I could concentrate on being his driving mentor without the distraction of being map-reading navigator as well. It all went smoothly as a dream; I was even prepared with the exact change for the $4 parking fee.