Sunday, February 19, 2006

Stuck in my head: 70s music explosion

Young'un enjoys the infomercial for the "70s Music Explosion" on so many levels. His favorite part of my commentary is when I talk about songs I couldn't stand. "There's one I hoped I'd never hear again," I snarked, when they launched into England Dan & John Ford Coley. "Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much, and I have to go back to lying my ass off..." or whatever. Crappy song. Another one I absolutely loathe is "The Pina Colada Song". Now in my opinion the narrator in that song is a jerk, and his lady is another jerk, and it's a blessing they got together and didn't spoil two other families. "If you have half a brain..." Yeah, he's got half a brain, she's got the other half, and it doesn't surprise me a bit that nobody else answered his stupid ad.

There's truly no accounting for tastes. I'm well aware that there are people who hate "Undercover Angel", another exploding 70s hit, and find it every bit as annoying as I find Mr. Holmes and his pina coladas. And I just love it! It grabbed me the first time I ever heard it, on the AM radio of my 1972 AMC Gremlin. Now that was a song I was glad to hear every hour and seven minutes, while my then-husband and I drove through Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. And back then I had no idea that someday I'd own a cat named Angel who likes to sleep under the covers. ;-)


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